Monday, June 28, 2010

Slow going

on the reading lately, but I have gotten a couple in:

Incarceron by Catherine Fisher
My literature professor Aunt sent me this one and it was good! It took me a few days to really get into it, but now I am soooooo ready for books 2 and 3. I can't even really explain exactly what it is about - a living, breathing prison that has gone out of control. Definitely worth picking up at the bookstore or library!

Pretties by Scott Westerfeld
I listened to this one on Playaway and did NOT enjoy the reader. I am currently working on the nest book in this series, but I keep hearing the reader from the audiobook in my head and it is sort of ruining book 3...


Debi said...

I've never heard of Incarceron (did I spell that correctly?)...but I must say you've definitely left me intrigued! I'm going to have to look into that one for sure.

And I'm so sorry about the "voice"...that just sucks! I've never made it through an audio version of a book. And I really wish I could. I've tried a few times...once the voice just drove me crazy, once they had all these goofy sound-effects in the background that just drove me nuts, and once it was a non-fiction book that I wanted to keep rewinding to make sure I understood what was was being said (but of course, "rewinding" a CD doesn't work so well), so I figured that book was better suited to reading in print. One of these days, maybe I'll find the perfect one to get me past my "fears". After all, scrubbing toilets certainly would be more enjoyable listening to a good book, right?

kreed said...

Debi - Darn it! I just gave Incarceron to a friend...I usually just give them away never to see them again (which is the way it has to be or I would be overrun by books!) but I will tell her I want that one back so I can pass it on to you. I thought it was quite intriguing - kind of sci-fi-ish in a weirdly fabricated historical setting...

I don't listen to many audio books either - I find that my mind wanders too much! But if you ever are willing to give it a go, the Harry Potter books are by far the best books I have ever heard on audio. I have been told my some audio book loving friends that The Help was just as good (and maybe even better) than the Harry Potter series on audio, so maybe start with one of those to ease yourself in!